What is the best and cheapest option for roof open terrace flooring in India?

Those who have an open terrace know what a prized possession it is! An open terrace is a perfect place to relax after a long day at work, throw a party, or just enjoy a homely family lunch on a Sunday. However, an open terrace in India has to withstand the sun, rain, smog, and pollution. And often everyone ends up choosing the wrong material for flooring on a terrace that doesn't last in all kinds of weather. If you want to make your terrace look fascinating, but still want a durable option for flooring. Even floor tiles for open terrace price is also low.

Here are 5 amazing ideas!
Mediterranean style tiles
Ordinary neutral pale tiles look boring. But tiles are very easy to maintain an option for an outdoor terrace. So if you are looking for tiles as flooring, ditch the boring stuff and opt for some Mediterranean style tiles with interesting patterns. Grey, blue and brown contrasting with white are the classic options, but you can also find Mediterranean style tiles in many other colors.
Yes, you read that right. Concrete. Concrete is an extremely durable option. It is hard and sturdy, but it can also look very interesting if it is a combination of bright metal furniture and lively plants. The only drawback of the concrete is it absorbs heat.
Stone is another good option. Blocks of smoothened out stone-like natural stones can create a very different type of flooring. Opting for stone also means you can move away from traditional light-colored flooring to a striking bright-colored flooring for your terrace.
Gravel is a great option for flooring for your terrace if you want something rustic and perhaps are interested in setting up a mini garden on your terrace. Make sure that there are proper drainage options below the gravel so that it stays well during the monsoons too. Wooden flooring is another great homely option for terrace flooring, but it is not suited for an open terrace that receives a lot of rain.
The most modern and irregular option for an open terrace floor is rubber. Yes rubber flooring like the one here, can easily be installed without screws and keeps not only the heat but also the noise out. A terrace isn't complete unless it has the right sitting area, so now that you have found your ideal flooring.


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