What are the advantages of ceramics?

The word ceramics is derived from the Greek word keramos which means potter’s clay’. However, many compounds which are classified as ceramics today contain no clay.
Modern Ceramics can be defined as the compounds of metals and non-metals. They generally have ionic atomic bonding between them.
Traditional ceramics tiles include insulating materials, glass, refractories, abrasives, and enamels.
They include metal oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides, and silicates. Some of their examples are Tungsten carbide, Silicon carbide, Beryllia, Zirconia, Alumina, Magnesia.

Advantages Of Ceramic Tiles
  1. Most of them have high hardness hence they are used as abrasive powder and cutting tools
  2.  They have high melting point which makes them excellent refractory material
  3. They are good thermal insulators this is another reason to use them as refractory material
  4. They are high electric resistivity which makes them suitable to be used an insulator
  5. They have low mass density which results in lightweight components.
  6. They are generally chemically inert which makes them durable.


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